Sunday, November 29, 2015

I'm Back To Stay. :)

Looking back through these posts, I realize how big of an imagination I had in my childhood. My childhood is not completely over, and I doubt it is ever over for anyone really, (I believe there may always be a small bit of Peter Pan in us.) Some of my previous posts make me nod and say, “I was a smart kid.” And then some of them… I kind of wish I had a time machine so that I could go back and shake some sense into my little brain. But although I was a weird kid, (Not much has changed actually.) It’s the thought that counts. My New Year’s Eve goal is to become a constant writer on my blog. And Yes. I know that now since we have Facebook and Instagram, it would be easier just to update my life events on there, but I cannot express how much I enjoy writing stories, instead of just a caption for a selfie. So I will be mainly updating my life, on here. So enjoy! I am now 14 years old. I am a Mia Maid in Young Womens, with a calling of being the second counselor. I have two bunnies, Tootsi & Einstein, and a Cat, Chihuahua, (Do not ask why that’s his name, and prepare to have a picture overload of them.) and I enjoy horseback riding, taking pictures, archery, tackling my dogs, writing, (Obviously.) and playing the piano. Now I HAVE two bunnies, and a cat. But my family, we share a lot of laughs with our ‘special’ animals. I will probably go into more depth about all of our pets, but for now, I’ll just name them off. We have two cats, Harvee and Chihuaua, two dogs, Captain and Molly, Some fish, Buffalo, Fishy, and Princess, a tortoise, Moses, a temporary lizard, Stuart, and four bunnies, Fluff Maggot (Maggie), Precious, Tootsi, and Einstein. If you are new to the page and don’t know who I am, people know me as, Bambi, Small Fall, Autumn Mae, Mesa, or Funsize. (Yeah, I have done a lot of weird things to earn those names.) Please enjoy my blog.  That’s what it’s there for.  See you on the trail Scout. Enjoy the Color Of Autumn!

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