Sunday, August 7, 2016

Highschool...? Wait. Say that Again.

It's true! This is the year! On the 23rd, is the day I take the next big step in my life, and join the crowd of people who are now just rushing to finish school for good. This has definitely not crept up on me, but the thought of high school has been in the back of my head for awhile, and I don't think I came to terms with it until my Mom gave me the jist of things, and gave me the news that I was already behind 3 classes. (Yay.) I thought it might be good to just 'reset' my goals that I have set up for myself every year of school since I knew how to have a reputation. -Focus on the schoolwork, get it done, get it done well. ~I believe that as much as we look at school as a place for communication, relationships, and enjoyable life moments, it is the schoolwork that is going to get you to college. College... Another thought that has began it's prowl into my train of thought. NO THANK YOU! NOT YET! -Have Good Friends. ~As humans we automatically look to others on how to act, because this is all new terrain for us. We begin to act like the people around us. And because I am Mormon, there is sometimes a barrier that holds me and others from achieving 'fitting in.' I personally don't like barriers. In fact, I hate them. (Strongest word of the day!) People need, and deserve friends they can open up to. Get good friends, and you will act just fine around them. Become friends with people who are examples to you. You will try to act like them, which will raise up your own being. You are probably waiting for a longer list, but I'm afraid that the rest is a learning experience for me, and I will record goals and lessons as I go. Yay High School!!! Bring it on. :) --Autumn Mae

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