Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I, *inhale*, SURVIVED.

Today is the 23rd. Oh my gosh guys. High school is no joke. Today was all about blaming genes for short legs, thanking my Kindergarten teacher for teaching me how to write fast, and thanking my mother for teaching me how to overly plan, so I wouldn't go to the wrong class. I am proud to say I wasn't tardy to ONE class. (Heck yeah!) But I'm not as proud to say that I have 8 disclosure documents to turn in by tomorrow. And that's just the beginning. Although I am frazzled, (in an excited, nervous kind of way.), for high school, I am pumped to see where this year will take me. These classes, these little moments here at school, are what is going to determine not just the next three years, but the next three years PLUS college. (I am rooting for BYU Idaho. Whoop!) So I'm just going to have to remind myself that these moments count in the long run. And that every step I take, determines the steps I will take in the years to come. ("No pressure.") Yaaaayyyy High School. Bring it on. --Autumn Mae

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Highschool...? Wait. Say that Again.

It's true! This is the year! On the 23rd, is the day I take the next big step in my life, and join the crowd of people who are now just rushing to finish school for good. This has definitely not crept up on me, but the thought of high school has been in the back of my head for awhile, and I don't think I came to terms with it until my Mom gave me the jist of things, and gave me the news that I was already behind 3 classes. (Yay.) I thought it might be good to just 'reset' my goals that I have set up for myself every year of school since I knew how to have a reputation. -Focus on the schoolwork, get it done, get it done well. ~I believe that as much as we look at school as a place for communication, relationships, and enjoyable life moments, it is the schoolwork that is going to get you to college. College... Another thought that has began it's prowl into my train of thought. NO THANK YOU! NOT YET! -Have Good Friends. ~As humans we automatically look to others on how to act, because this is all new terrain for us. We begin to act like the people around us. And because I am Mormon, there is sometimes a barrier that holds me and others from achieving 'fitting in.' I personally don't like barriers. In fact, I hate them. (Strongest word of the day!) People need, and deserve friends they can open up to. Get good friends, and you will act just fine around them. Become friends with people who are examples to you. You will try to act like them, which will raise up your own being. You are probably waiting for a longer list, but I'm afraid that the rest is a learning experience for me, and I will record goals and lessons as I go. Yay High School!!! Bring it on. :) --Autumn Mae

Saturday, August 6, 2016

School? Posts? Huh?

Hey! I'm still here!!! (Little did I know that part of the joys of being in Honors English for my Sophomore year, is that we get to write passages and articles for everyone to read! Yay...) Just kidding. I am actually quite excited for this. I think this is a good element for english classes to have, it's a good way to kind of 'keep a journal', if students aren't doing that by themselves at home. (Kind of sad to admit but I am one of those people.) Oh well. Prepare to read some lengthy school stuff which I hope you find as interesting as I did. :) -- Autumn Mae

Sunday, November 29, 2015

I'm Back To Stay. :)

Looking back through these posts, I realize how big of an imagination I had in my childhood. My childhood is not completely over, and I doubt it is ever over for anyone really, (I believe there may always be a small bit of Peter Pan in us.) Some of my previous posts make me nod and say, “I was a smart kid.” And then some of them… I kind of wish I had a time machine so that I could go back and shake some sense into my little brain. But although I was a weird kid, (Not much has changed actually.) It’s the thought that counts. My New Year’s Eve goal is to become a constant writer on my blog. And Yes. I know that now since we have Facebook and Instagram, it would be easier just to update my life events on there, but I cannot express how much I enjoy writing stories, instead of just a caption for a selfie. So I will be mainly updating my life, on here. So enjoy! I am now 14 years old. I am a Mia Maid in Young Womens, with a calling of being the second counselor. I have two bunnies, Tootsi & Einstein, and a Cat, Chihuahua, (Do not ask why that’s his name, and prepare to have a picture overload of them.) and I enjoy horseback riding, taking pictures, archery, tackling my dogs, writing, (Obviously.) and playing the piano. Now I HAVE two bunnies, and a cat. But my family, we share a lot of laughs with our ‘special’ animals. I will probably go into more depth about all of our pets, but for now, I’ll just name them off. We have two cats, Harvee and Chihuaua, two dogs, Captain and Molly, Some fish, Buffalo, Fishy, and Princess, a tortoise, Moses, a temporary lizard, Stuart, and four bunnies, Fluff Maggot (Maggie), Precious, Tootsi, and Einstein. If you are new to the page and don’t know who I am, people know me as, Bambi, Small Fall, Autumn Mae, Mesa, or Funsize. (Yeah, I have done a lot of weird things to earn those names.) Please enjoy my blog.  That’s what it’s there for.  See you on the trail Scout. Enjoy the Color Of Autumn!